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As a core hospital in the southern Fukuoka prefecture, Kurume University Hospital performs about 8,000 operations a year.
JA Onomichi General Hospital has charge of acute medical care in the Bisan area, centered in Onomichi and Mihara cities, Hiroshima Prefecture.
The Department of Thoracic Surgery, Kyoto University Hospital is a leader in lung cancer and lung transplant surgery in Japan. Spearheaded by Dr. Hiroshi Date, they have performed approx. 4,000 surgeries to date.
”da Vinci Surgical System (da Vinci)” is a robot system which supports endoscope surgery by moving 4 arms with a surgical console that is placed away from Surgical table. The
In 2000, for the first time in Japan, the Tokyo Women's Medical University introduced an intraoperative MRI in brain tumor removal surgery.
Operations provide one of a hospital’s core functions for both medical treatment and hospital management. Once the design and operational system is decided, there are no chances to make changes.
This issue of OPERA Times is a special feature on the all-in-one PREMIUM KIT, which contains all the surgical materials required, from pre-surgery preparation to post-surgery cleanup.